The Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) at PIEAS will promote research and collaboration in emerging areas of mathematics, encourage continued work on important problems, tackle large research agendas that are outside the scope of individual researchers, and help provision of qualified researchers for the future. CMS will formulate programs to help researchers broaden their expertise, addressing the need for linking multiple fields mentioned above. The Centre will invite international scholars and experts, often around a specific theme that varies from year to year. It will also invite mathematicians from around the country and worldwide to visit and participate in various activities. This will lead to an enormous increase in the cross-fertilization of ideas as people from different places and different disciplines will meet and exchange ideas.
• Stimulate research, collaboration, and networking in the area of Mathematics.
• Nucleate and sustain important research directions.
• Promote interdisciplinary research.
• Build research teams, including collaborations with industries, universities and international