Photonanomedicine Group


Team Members

Group members who always work hard to provide quality teaching & Research.


  1. Numrah Sultan,Syed Mujtaba ul Hassan, Ahmat Khurshid,Zahid Ali, Attaullah Shah, Jamil Ahmad, PhDPEGylated Eu-enabled submicron alumina spheres as potential theranostic agent, Materials Chemistry and Physics (submitted January 2021).
  2. R.Mahmood, A. Khurshid, M.S.Yousaf, M.Aalam, M.Salman, M.Ikram, Effect of Vitamin A as a Neoadjuvant Agent in Chemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy of Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, November 2020. [IF = 2.894].
  3. Yousaf MS, Khurshid A, Mahmood R, Ikram M, Polarimetric comparison of fresh and frozen skeletal muscle tissues of goat, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy October 2020. [IF = 2.894].
  4. Muhammad Zakir, Ahmat Khurshid, Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Asma Khattak, Murad Ali Khan, The application of Aluminium Phthalocyanine (AlPs-4) mediated Photodynamic Therapy against human soft tissue sarcoma(RMS) cell line, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, October 2020. [IF = 1.816]
  5. Syed Mujtaba ul Hassan, Tanzeela Anis, Ahmat Khurshid, Faisal Shahzad, Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Zahid, Attaullah Shah, Jamil Ahmad, Mazhar Mehmood, Facile synthesis of multifunctional m-SiO2@ZnO nanocomposite employing biocompatible polymers for potential theranostic applications Micro & Nano Letters, September 2020. [IF = 0.43]
  6. Numrah Sultan, Syed Mujtaba ul Hassan, Jamil Ahmed, Ahmat Khurshid, Zahid Ali, and Attaulllah Shah, Facile Hydrothermal fabrication of Eu doped alumina for Potential Bioluminescent Imaging and Drug Delivery System, Key Engineering Materials journal, April 2020. [IF = 0.9]
  7. Tayyab Ali Khan, Syed Mujtaba ul Hassan, Hassan Waqas, Jamil Ahmad, Ahmat Khurshid, Mazhar Mehmood, Hafiz Muhammad Bin Ahmed, and Sumaira Naz, Evaluation of Potential of Uncoated Mesoporous Silica Particles for Drug Delivery Applications, Key Engineering Materials journal, April 2020. [IF = 0.9].
  8. S. Yousaf, A. Khurshid, I. Ahmad, R. Mahmood, M. Alam, S. B. Bukhari, J. Ahmad Khan, M. Rafi, M. Ikram, Label free characterization of soft tissue with optical polarization technique, Laser Physics, 30(2020). [IF = 2.894].
  9. S. Yousaf, I. Ahmad, A. Khurshid, M. Ikram Machine assisted classification of chicken, beef and mutton tissues using optical polarimetry and Bagging model, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 31 (2020). [IF = 2.894].
  10. Ali Khan, S. Mujtaba ul Hassan, J. Ahmad, A. Khurshid, M. Mehmood, H. Waqas, F. Ali, Fabrication of PEGylated Porous Alumina whiskers (PAW) for drug delivery Applications, Material Letters, 241, 23-46(2019). [IF = 2.687]
  11. R. Mahmood , A. khurshid , , J. A. Khan, M.Rafi, M. S. Yousaf, M. Maqsood, M. Alam, M. Salman and M. Ikram Enhanced efficacy of chemo-photodynamic therapy of rhabdomayosarcoma cells by using vitamin K3 as a neoadjuvant agent, Laser Phys. 29 2019. [IF = 1.102]
  12. R. Mahmood , A. khurshid , M. Maqsood, J. A. Khan, M.Rafi, S. S. Z. Zaidi, M. Ikram “Vitamin D3-assisted Chemo-Photodynamic therapy of Rhabdomyo sarcoma cancer cells for effective treatment” Laser Phys. Lett. 15 2018. [IF = 2.39]
  13. S. Ali, S. Muhammad, A. Khurshid, M. Ikram, M. Maqsood, C. Fisher, J. Cathcart, L. Lilge, Effective phthalocyanines mediated photodynamic therapy with doxorubicin or methotrexate combination therapy at sub-micromolar concentrations in vitro, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, volume 22, pp 51-64, June 2018. [IF = 2.89]
  14. S. Ali, S. Muhammad, A. Khurshid, M. Ikram, M. Maqsood, C. Fisher, J. Cathcart, L. Lilge, Doxorubicin or Methotrexate exposure followed by Aluminum Phthalocyanine mediated Photodynamic Therapy provides for effective co-therapy, Photochemistry and Photobiology, volume 17, pp A46, 2017.[IF = 2.89]
  15. I. Ahmad, A. Rehman, J. A. Khan, M. Rafi, A. Khurshid, H. Nisar, S. S. Z. Zaidi, M. Ikram, Effects of varying local temperature on the optical properties of cells In-Vitro, Photodiagnostic and Photodynamic Therapy, 12(3): 459-65 (2015). [IF = 2.89]
  16. S. Ali, A. Khurshid, M. Maqsood, M. Rafi, J. A. Khan, S. S. Z. Zaidi , S. Muhammad, M. Ikram , Study of low doses Cisplatin synergestic effect on photodynamic outcome of Al (II)-phythalocyanine on soft tissue sarcoma (RD) cell line, Photodiagnostic and Photodynamic Therapy, 12(1):146-9, 2015.[IF = 2.89]
  17. M. Ahmad, S. Ali, M. S. Mehmood, H. Ali, A. Khurshid , S. Firdous, S. Muhammad, M. Ikram, Ex vivo assessment of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced chronic injury using polarized light spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 67 (12), 2013. [IF= 1.942]
  18. Khizar Hayat, A. Khurshid, M. A. Rafiq, S. K. Durrani, S. S. Z. Zaidi, M. Ikram and M. M. Hasan, PEGylated BaMnO3 Nanoparticles Potential as a Drug delivery Agent, Laser physics letter, 10, 2013. [IF= 2.458]
  19. A. Khurshid, S. Firdous, L. Ahmat, J. Ferraira, J. D. Vollet-Filho, C. Kurachi, V. S. Bagneto, M. Nawaz, M. Ikram and M. Ahmad, In Vivo study of laser irradiation of fractionated drug administration based mechanism for effective photodynamic therapy in rat liver, Laser Physics, 22(1) 317-321(2012). [IF= 1.032]
  20. R. Prakash, M. Surivallesha, Z. Xiang, R. Ramtin, M. Youssef, E. Stefan, A. Khurshid, T. Hasan, Development and Application of Photo-Triggered Theranostic Agents. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 62, 1094-1124(2010). [IF= 12.888]
  21. A. Khurshid, M. Atif , S. Firdous, S. S. Z. Zaidi, R. Salman and M. Ikram, Study of the efficacy of 5 ALA-mediated photodynamic therapy on human larynx squamous cell carcinoma (Hep2c) cell line, Laser Phys. 20(7),1673-1678(2010). [IF= 1.032]
  22. M. Atif, S. Firdous, A. Khurshid, L. Noreen, S .S .Z. Zaidi and M. Ikram, In vitro study of 5-aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic therapy for apoptosis in human cervical HeLa cell line, Laser Phys. Lett. 6(12), 886–891 (2009). [IF= 2.458]