Journal Publications


  1. S. Bashir, A. Ali, M. Bashir, A. Aftab, T.Ghani , A. Javed, S. Rafque, A. Shah, X. C. Solvas , M. H. Inayat, “Droplet based microfuidic synthesis of silver nanoparticles stabilized by PVA and PVP: applications in anticancer and antimicrobial activities”, Chemical Papers 57, 02403, (2022). View
  2. M. A. Kaleem, A. Shah, M. Iqbal, A. Quddus, A. Mehmood, A. Riaz and M. K. Ayub, “Experimental study on direct contact condensation of saturated steam at low mass flux in subcooled quiescent water” Kerntechnik 10, 1059, (2022). View
  3. A. Nabi, A. Rehman, A. Hussain and D.T. Devis, “Ab initio random structure searching and catalytic properties of copper-based nanocluster with earth-abundant metals for the electrocatalytic CO2 to CO conversion”, Molecular Catalysis 525, 112406, (2022). View
  4. M. Bilal, A. Rehman, S. Mahmood and M.A.Shahzad, “Effect of non-thermal and non-extensive parameters on electron plasma waves in hybrid Cairns–Tsallis distributed plasmas”, European Physical Journal Plus 137, 03006, (2022). View
  5. A. Muthuperiyanayagam, G. N. Azeem, A. Rehman, D.T. Devis, “Adsorption, activation, and conversion of carbon dioxide on small copper-tin nanoclusters”, Chemrxiv, (2022). View
  6. W. Masood, N. Hamid, S. Ullah, A. Rahman, H. A. Shah, H. A. Alyousef and S. A. El-Tantawy, “Formation of acoustic nonlinear structures in non-Maxwellian trapping plasmas”, Physics of Fluids 34, 053113 (2022). View
  7. K. Shahzad and A. Rahman,“ A study of ions' shear flow instabilities and parallel electron current in pure pair-ion and pair-ion-electron plasmas”, Contribution to Plasma Physics 62, 00075 (2022). View
  8. A Safdar, A Mushtaq, S Usman and A. Rehman, “Magnetosonic waves in ion trapped semiconductor chip plasma with effect of exchange correlation potential and relativistic degeneracy”, Phys. Scr. 97, 025603, (2022). View
  9. A. Riaz, A. Ibrahim, M. S. Bashir, M. Abdullah, A. Shah, A. Quddus, “Convection Heat Transfer from Heated Thin Cylinders Inside a Ventilated Enclosure”, Semiconductor Science and Information Devices 04,4719, (2022). View
  10. M. N. Hussain, N. Shaukat, A. Ahmad, M. Abid, A. Hashmi, Z. Rajabi and M. A. Rehman Tariq, “Micro-Siting of Wind Turbines in an Optimal Wind Farm Area Using Teaching–Learning-Based Optimization Technique” Sustainability 14, 8846, (2022). View
  11. M. N. Hussain, N. Shaukat, A. Ahmad, M. Abid, A. Hashmi, Z. Rajabi and M. A. Rehman Tariq, “Effective Realization of Multi-Objective Elitist Teaching–Learning Based Optimization Technique for the Micro-Siting of Wind Turbines” Sustainability 14, 8458, (2022). View
  12. H. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, I. Baila, A. Shah, and M. Iqbal, "Computational study of sloshing in spherical tanks and the effect of using annular baffle over slosh force frequency and damping," Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal 22, 15-22, (2022). View
  13. M. Farooq, A. Ahmed, K. Qureshi, A. Shah, K. Waheed, W. Siddique, et al., "Study of an improved and novel venturi scrubber configuration for removal of radioactive gases from NPP containment air during severe accident," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, (2022). View
  14. A. Khan, R. Nawaz, A. Shah, and K. R. Qureshi, “Transient Analysis of Passive Autocatalytic Hydrogen Recombiners Using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 9, 012001, (2022). View
  15. A. Quddus, A. Shah, K. R. Qureshi, M. K. Ayub, M. Iqbal, and A. Samee, “Computational study of subcooled water injection into steam line: effect of Reynolds number on flow transition to study condensation induced water hammers,” Kerntechnik, 1061 (2022). View
  16. A. Quddus, A. Shah, K. R. Qureshi, M. K. Ayub, A. Tahir, M. Iqbal, et al., "Study of steam jet characteristics and regime maps for bevelled spray nozzles exhausting into quiescent water," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 190, 122780, (2022). View
  17. A. Quddus, A. Shah, K. R. Qureshi, A. Tahir, M. Iqbal, and M. K. Ayub, "Numerical study on pressure oscillations amplitude distribution induced by water flow into pipe filled with steam," Annals of Nuclear Energy 172, 109095 (2022). View
  18. A. Quddus, A. Shah, K. Rasheed Qureshi, M. Khawar Ayub, A. Tahir, M. Iqbal, et al., "Experimental study on steam plume shape characteristics for bevelled spray nozzles exhausting into quiescent water," Nuclear Engineering and Design 394, 111824, (2022). View
  19. A. Shehzad, T.-u. Rehman, A. Sohail, and A. Shah, "Numerical investigation of Lagrangian coherent structures in steady rotation vortex shedding control," Journal of Engineering Research 10, 14, (2022). View
  20. D. Hussain, Z. Asghar, A. Zeeshan and Hamed Alsulami, “Analysis of sensitivity of thermal conductivity and variable viscosity on wall heat flux in flow of viscous fluid over a porous wedge”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 135, 106104, (2022). View
  21. B. Hussain, S. Qamar, and M. Irfan, “Entanglement enhancement in cavity magnomechanics by an optical parametric amplifier”, Pysical Review 105, 063704 (2022). View
  22. S. Hina, M. Mustafa, Z. Asghar and S. M. Kayani, “Numerical simulations for heat transfer in peristalsis of Bingham fluid utilizing partial slip conditions” Waves in Random and Complex Media, (2022). View
  23. Kiran, Aqsa, S. Qureshi, A. Khan, S. Mahmood, M Idrees, A. Saeed, M. Assam, M. Reda A. Refaai, and A. Mohamed. "Reverse Image Search Using Deep Unsupervised Generative Learning and Deep Convolutional Neural Network." Applied Sciences 12, 10, 4943 (2022). View
  24. Zahoora, Umme, M. Rajarajan, Z. Pan, and A. Khan. “Zero-day Ransomware Attack Detection using Deep Contractive Autoencoder and Voting based Ensemble Classifier.” Applied Intelligence 6, 03244, (2022). View
  25. Zafar, M. Mohsin, Z. Rauf, A. Sohail, A. R. Khan, M. Obaidullah, S. H. Khan, Y. S. Lee, and A. Khan. "Detection of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes in CD3 and CD8 stained histopathological images using a two-phase deep CNN." Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 37, 102676 (2022). View
  26. Khan, S. Hussain, A. Sohail, A. Khan, and Y. S. Lee. “COVID-19 detection in chest X-ray images using a new channel boosted CNN”, Diagnostics 12, 267 (2022). View
  27. Khan, S. Hussain, A. Sohail, A. Khan, M. Hassan, Y. S. Lee, J. Alam, A. Basit, and S. Zubair. "COVID-19 detection in chest X-ray images using deep boosted hybrid learning." Computers in Biology and Medicine 137, 104816 (2021). View
  28. Khan, S. Hussain, A. Sohail, M. Zafar, and A. Khan. "Coronavirus disease analysis using chest X-ray images and a novel deep convolutional neural network." Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 35, 102473 (2021). View
  29. M. Saddique, A. Mehmood, S. Qamar and S. Qamar, “Phase and amplitude control of atomic grating in a three level closed lambda System”, International Journal of Physica Scripta 96 , 115101 (2021). View
  30. A.Mehmood, A.Shah, M.Iqbal, A.Riaz, A.Quddus, “Experimental study of convective heat transfer through fuel pins of nuclear power plants, atw”, International Journal for Nuclear Power 66, (2021) View
  31. H. Saleem, S. Ali Shan, and A. Rehman “Generation of short scale electrostatic fields in solar atmosphere and role of helium ions”, Astrophysical Journal 922, (2021). View
  32. B. Gul, and A. Rehman, “Numerical Study of SF6/O2 Plasma Discharge for Etching Applications”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 36,857 (2021). View
  33. N. Shaukat, A. Ahmad, B. Mohsin, R. Khan, K. Salah ud-Din, K. Shahab ud-Din, “Multiobjective Core Reloading Pattern Optimization of PARR-1 Using Modified Genetic Algorithm Coupled with Monte Carlo Methods”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 1802492 (2021). View
  34. A. Ali, G. S. Naz, R. Kouser, G. Tasneem, M. S. Shahzad, Aman-ur-Rehman and M. H. Nasim, “Effect of radiation on compressibility of hot dense sodium and iron plasma using improved screened hydrogenic model with splitting”, Chinese Phys. 30 , 033102 (2021). View
  35. A. Nasrullah, I. Ahmed, M. Jamil Aslam, Z. Asghar and S. Shafaq “Probing New Physics Effects in Λ𝑏→Λ(→𝑝𝜋−)𝑙+𝑙− decay via model-independent approach”, International Journal of Physica Scripta (2021). View
  36. R. Khan, T. Siddique, N. Shaukat, S. Tahir, A. Ali1, Z. Jamil and Z. Malik, “ Benchmarking of SuperMC Code against the Experimental Results of the TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN 229-5518, 12, 02 (2021). View
  37. A. Sohail , A. Khan, H. Nisar , S. Tabassum and A. Zameer “Mitotic nuclei analysis in breast cancer histopathology images using deep ensemble classifier”, Medical Image Analysis, 72, 102121 (2021). View
  38. N. Chouhan, A. Khan J. Z. Shah, M. Hussnain and M. W. Khan, “Deep convolutional neural network and emotional learning based breast cancer detection using digital mammography”, Computers in Biology and Medicine 132, 104318 (2021). View
  39. A. Sohail, A. Khan, N. Wahab, A. Zameer and S. Khan, “A multi‑phase deep CNN based mitosis detection framework for breast cancer histopathological images”, Scientific Reports.11, 41958 (2021). View
  40. A. Rehman, M. A. Shahzad, S. Mahmood and M. Bilal, “Numerical and analytical study of electron plasma waves in non-thermal Vasyliunas-Cairns distributed plasmas”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126, 29629, (2021). View
  41. M. Nazeer, M. Sarfraz, and A. Rehman, “Electron firehose instability in kappa-Maxwellian distributed space plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas 28, 082101 (2021). View
  42. M. Aadil, R. Nawaz, A. Shah, and K. R. Qureshi, "Numerical Study of the Deposition of Radioactive Nuclide (Aerosol) in Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator," Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8, 51618, (2021). View
  43. A. Rehman, M. A. Shahzad, S. Mahmood and M. Bilal, “Numerical and analytical study of electron plasma waves in non-thermal Vasyliunas-Cairns distributed plasmas”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (accepted-2021). View
  44. M. Nazeer, M. Sarfraz, and A. Rehman, “Electron firehose instability in kappa-Maxwellian distributed space plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas (accepted-2021). View
  45. S. Hassan, N. Shaukat, M. Abid, A. H. Hashmi and A. Mujeeb ur Rehman, “Sedimentation predictions in water reservoirs using Artificial Neural Networks”, Global Journals of Frontier Research, (accepted-2021) View
  46. M. Saddique, A. Mehmood, S. Qamar and S. Qamar, “Phase and amplitude control of atomic grating in a three level closed lambda System”, International Journal of Physica Scripta 96 ,115101 (2021). View
  47. B. Gul, and A. Rehman, “Numerical Study of SF6/O2 Plasma discharge for etching applications”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 36,857 (2021). View
  48. N. Shaukat, A. Ahmad, B. Mohsin, R. Khan, K. Salah ud-Din, K. Shahab ud-Din, “Multiobjective core reloading pattern optimization of PARR-1 using modified Genetic Algorithm coupled with Monte Carlo methods”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 1802492 (2021). View
  49. A. Ali, G. S. Naz, R. Kouser, G. Tasneem, M. S. Shahzad, Aman-ur-Rehman and M. H. Nasim, “Effect of radiation on compressibility of hot dense sodium and iron plasma using improved screened hydrogenic model with splitting”, Chinese Phys. 30 , 033102 (2021) View
  50. A. Nasrullah, I. Ahmed, M. Jamil Aslam, Z. Asghar and S. Shafaq “Probing new physics effects in Λ𝑏 →Λ(→𝑝𝜋−)𝑙+𝑙− decay via model-independent approach”, Physica Scripta (2021). View
  51. R. Khan, T. Siddique, N. Shaukat, S. Tahir, A. Ali1, Z. Jamil and Z. Malik, “ Benchmarking of SuperMC Code against the experimental results of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN 229-5518, 12, 02 (2021) View
  52. A. Sohail , A. Khan, H. Nisar , S. Tabassum and A. Zameer “Mitotic nuclei analysis in breast cancer histopathology images using deep ensemble classifier”, Medical Image Analysis, 72, 102121 (2021). View
  53. N. Chouhan, A. Khan J. Z. Shah, M. Hussnain and M. W. Khan, “Deep convolutional neural network and emotional learning based breast cancer detection using digital mammography”, Computers in Biology and Medicine 132, 104318 (2021). View
  54. A. Sohail, A. Khan, N. Wahab, A. Zameer and S. Khan, “A multiphase deep CNN based mitosis detection framework for breast cancer histopathological images”, Scientific Reports.11, 41958 (2021). View
  55. A. Mehmood, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, “Measuring weak magnetic field via dissipatively coupled opto-mechanical system”, International Journal of Physica Scripta 95, 035102 (2020). View
  56. Noorul Wahab, Asifullah Khan, “Multifaceted fused-CNN based scoring of breast cancer whole-slide histopathology images”,Applied Soft Computing Journal 97, (2020). View
  57. A. Mehmood, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, “Measuring weak magnetic field via dissipatively coupled opto-mechanical system”, Physica Scripta 95, (2020). View
  58. M. Q. Ayaz, Sajid Qamar, Shahid Qamar, “Coherent control of microwave pulse propagation based on gain assisted electromagnetically induced transparency in superconducting circuits”, Journal of the Optical Society of America 37, (2020). View
  59. Aman-ur-Rehman, Mushtaq Ahmad, and Muhammad Ahsan Shahzad, “Revisiting some analytical and numerical interpretations of Cairns and Kappa–Cairns distribution functions”, Phys. Plasmas 27, (2020). View
  60. Farah Shahid, Aneela Zameer, Ammara Mehmood, Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja “A novel wavenets long short term memory paradigm for wind power prediction”,Applied Energy 269, (2020). View
  61. F. Badshah, G. E. Guoqin, M. Paternostro, and S. Qamar, “Non-resonant interactions and multipartite entanglement in a system of coupled cavities”, J. Opt. 37, (2020). View
  62. A. Mehmood, M. Saddique, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, “Effects of finite bandwidth on atomic grating in a three-level ladder type system”, Opt. Commun. 472, (2020). View
  63. M. Waseem, M. N. Khan, and S. Qamar, “Dynamics and multi qubit entanglement in distant resonators”, Phys. Scr. 95, (2020). View
  64. F. Badshah, A. Basit, Hamad Ali, Guo-Qin Ge, and S. Qamar “Tunneling time of the ultracold atoms effect of the injected atomic coherence and field statistics”, Phys. Scr. 95, (2020). View
  65. A. Mehmood, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, “Effects of Kerr medium on force sensing in a dissipative opto mechanical system” Eur. Phys. Lett. 131, (2020). View
  66. Coherent control of microwave pulse propagation based on gain assisted electromagnetically induced transparency in superconducting circuits., M. Q. Ayaz, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B (Accepted) View
  67. A. Khan, M. S. Takriff, M. I. Rosli, N. T. A. Othman, K. Sanaullah, A. R. H. Rigit, A. Shah, A. Ullah, “Flow characteristics within the wall boundary layers of swirling steam flow in a pipe comprising horizontal and inclined sections”, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 37, 19-36 (2020). View
  68. A. Ahmed, A. Shah, K. Qureshi, K. Waheed, N. Irfan, W. Siddique, M. Ahmad, A. Farooq, “Investigation of iodine removal efficiency in a venturi scrubber using mass transfer model for CFD”, Progress in Nuclear Energy 121, 103243 (2020). View
  69. F. Badshah, G. -Qin Ge, M. Paternostro, S. Qamar, “Non-resonant interactions and multipartite entanglement in a system of coupled cavities”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 37, (2020). View
  70. F. Badshah, A. Basit, H. Ali, G. –Q. Ge, and S. Qamar, “Tunneling time of the ultracold atoms: effects of the injected atomic coherence and field statistic”, Physica Scripta. 95, (2020). View
  71. I. Ahmad, A. Zahur, N. Shaukat, R. Ahmed, A. Samee, and S. Ahmad. “Generating Function Method for the solution of point reactor kinetic equations”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 123, (2020). View
  72. A. Khan, M. S. Takriff, K. Sanaullah, M. Zwawi, M. Algarni, B. F. Felemban, A. Bahadar, A. Shah, and A. R. H. Rigit, “Periodic compression and cavitation induced shear between steam-water two-phase flows for bio-materials degradation”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 17, (2020). View
  73. Z. Asghar and N. Ali, “Mixed convective heat transfer analysis for the peristaltic transport of viscoplastic fluid, Perturbation and numerical study”, AIP Advances 9, (2019). View
  74. R. Nasir, Sikander M. Mirza, and N. M. Mirza, “Parametric study of iodine-129 releases from nuclear fuel to fuel-clad gap & primary coolant in PWRs” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 128, (2019). View
  75. Aman-ur-Rehman and M. Ahmad, Comment on “Langmuir oscillations in a nonextensive electron-positron plasma”, Physical Review E 99, (2019). View
  76. Aman-ur-Rehman, and M. Ahmad, “Stability analysis of the acoustic like modes in an extensive pair ion plasma”, Astrophys Space Science, 364, (2019). View
  77. S. Asghar, M. Abbas, S. Qamar, and S. Qamar, “Electromagnetically induced holographic imaging with Rydberg atoms”, Optics Communications 437, (2019). View
  78. A. Mehmood, S. Qamar and S. Qamar, “Force sensing in a dissipative opto mechanical system in the presence of parametric amplifier’s pump phase noise”, Physica Scripta. 94, (2019). View
  79. R. Ahmed and S. Qamar, “Effects of laser phase noise on optomechanical entanglement in the presence of a nonlinear Kerr downconverter”, Physica Scripta, 94, (2019). View
  80. N. Wahab, A. Khan, and Y. S. Lee, “Transfer learning based deep CNN for segmentation and detection of mitoses in breast cancer histopathological images”, Microscopy, 68, (2019). View
  81. Y. Javed, S. M. Mirza, C. Li, X. Xu and M. A. Rafiq, “The role of biaxial strain and pressure on the thermoelectric performance of SnSe2: a first principles study”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34, (2019). View
  82. Aman-ur-Rehman, T. H. Khokhar, H. A. Shah, and G. Murtaza, “Surface impedance and skin depth for transverse waves in temperature anisotropic unmagnetized plasma”, Physics of Plasmas, 26, (2019). View
  83. N. Chouhan, A. Khan, H. R. Khan, “Network anomaly detection using channel boosted and residual learning based deep convolutional neural network”, Applied Soft Computing Journal, 83, (2019). View
  84. A. Khan, M. S. Takriff, M. I. Rosli, N. T. A. Othman, K. Sanaullah, A. R. H. Rigit, A. Shah, A. Ullah, M. U. Mushtaq, “Turbulence dissipation & its induced entrainment in subsonic swirling steam injected in cocurrent flowing water”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 145, (2019). View